- Ice cream is being sold tomorrow!
- Please remember to bring back library books on Wednesday, and bring reading books every day - some children have been forgetting to do this.
- Sports Day is next Wednesday. Many children have ordered a barbecue meal and sent in money. It's going to be a really fun day!
We had a very fun week in our first week back in school. In English, we read stories from other cultures (England - The Gingerbread Man - and Africa - It Takes a Village - were two of our favourites). We read them acted them out, and wrote about them. In Science, we learned about sounds and hearing, and how to use our ears to sense the world around us. We put on blindfolds and practiced listening to see if we could identify a person just by hearing their voice. In Maths, we learned about Venn diagrams and Block Graphs. We made them with roleplays, and with computer games, and in our books. And in History, we learned about the history of seaside holidays. We learned the story of how Prince George (the Prince of Wales 300 years ago) went to Brighton (in the south of England) because his doctor said he should, and how this began the tradition of the British seaside holiday. Mr. Kohll played Prince George, and told the children about his health problems (the real Prince George was overweight, and had pains in his neck). The children then went to see Miss Lucey, who acted as a doctor, and told the children that the Prince should go to Brighton to bathe in seawater. The children were very excited to hear about this, and came back with lots of advice, which they wrote on worksheets. 

 And now, here are some photos we would like to show you!
Look how big our potato plant is now!
Roleplaying the story of The Gingerbread Man in English lessons.
Year 1 learned about sound and hearing...
...and played listening games!

Can Miss Lucey hear who this is?

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Helping Prince George
go on holiday to Brighton.

Tomorrow is the last day of half term, and the last day of Book Week!
I love Book Week. It's all about getting children to enjoy reading, which I think is fantastic; and it's all about fun reading activities, which I like. I liked it when Miss Lucey read a story to the class (so did they, and so did she!) I liked it when I read stories to children in the library. And I REALLY am looking forward to tomorrow - Year 1 will have four teachers visit them to read to them, and I will be going to Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. But I will be back in Year 1 by 10.15.
This week has been a wonderful week. Some bad things did happen - I had a cold on Monday, and it was raining today - but lots of great things happened. Here are some pictures of them!
The children learned about graphs in Maths this week. You can see Shu and Ji Hyeon are representing the number 2 in a graph, and Patricia the number 7.
And here are the graphs they made from this information.
In Science lessons, the children helped the Easter Bunny to learn about pushing and pulling. Here they are learning about pulleys.
Miss Lucey read the magical story 'Rory MacNory' to the children at the end of each day this week.
Because this is Book Week, Year 9 and Year 7 students came, on Tuesday and Wednesday, to read with Year 1 children.
It was very exciting to see how well the potato plant has grown. It has started to grow flowers! We invited Reception class to come and look at it, and talked about its growth.
The Easter Bunny very kindly sent the children presents - dyes, colours and instructions on how to make their own eggs!
Year 1 all brought in eggs, and drew coloured patterns on them.
We took the eggs and dyed them pretty colours to make Easter Eggs.

A Busy Day!


Year 1 had a very busy day today! We did lots of work, and learned a lot of things!

English Lesson: Instructions Writing

We began with an English lesson. Mr. Kohll's English class and Miss Lucey's English class worked together. The children used the plans they made yesterday to write instructions. Writing instructions is an excellent way to improve English. The children practiced their handwriting, grammar and sentence structure.
After they finished writing and illustrating their instructions, we made a summary of them together. You can listen to some of the children reading them here (click on the blue words to hear them speaking):

First, wash your hands.

Then take the plate and knife and bread and jam.


After that, cut the bread...


...and spread the jam.


Finally, close the bread and eat the sandwich.


Growing Potato Plants

In Science, we are studying plants. Today, Miss Lucey and Mr. Kohll talked to the children about how plants grow, and we learned about potatoes. We began a science experiment - growing potato plants. The children made predictions about how the potato plants would change. We're very excited to see if they grow!

Homework Projects

Today the children began working on their Projects. Almost all of them decided to do projects on plants. Their homework is to decide what they want their focus to be. Tomorrow we will talk more about the Projects, and there will be materials to help the children on the Year 1 website and in the class library.

PSHE - People who help us in school

Today the children worked in groups, with Miss Lucey, Miss Lulu and Mr. Kohll, to travel around the school and talk to the people who help us in school. They spoke to Mrs. Bingham, who told them about how the teachers worked and how she communicated with them through emails and meetings and pigeonholes. They spoke to Miss Candy, who told them how she helps children who are sick or injured; and they talked to Miss Yiki and Miss Jenny, the school receptionists, who told them how they telephone parents, write letters and print and copy materials. I hope the children enjoyed themselves, and learned a lot of new things about their school!
Hello everybody. I hope you are all enjoying your holidays. I am happpy to see that people have been visiting the Year 1 website (73 visits yesterday).
Please remember to write in your homework diaries - I am going to enjoy reading them! And please remember to add a comment to the Holiday Homework page.
Here are a few things I have been doing, to give you some ideas!
I had fun with fireworks for Chinese New Year!
I ate Beijing Duck. It was really good!
I made Chinese dumplings to eat.
Yesterday, the Literacy class wrote recounts of the Assembly. Today, they completed them. You can see and hear them here.

Today, the children brought in the Projects they have been working on. I was so pleased with how hard they are working, and I want to thank you for your help with them. A great help to their writing, reading and Art skills. I loved how they have worked so hard on them - finding samples, drawing and writing about them, and all so creative - it's very exciting!
Today, we also started our new Design and Technology topic. The children are going to learn about how to make model homes. We got out the cardboard boxes and scissors and practiced ways to make models that stand up, joining cardboard with no glue or tape!

And finally...

Last week, the children made some beautiful paper weavings. Today Miss Lulu kindly made them into a display outside the classroom.
We had a treat at the start of this term, as Lisa brought in a book to read to the class. She read beautifully, and should be proud of her English speaking and reading. If any of the other children wish to bring in a book to read to the class, or bring in something special to show and tell their friends about, I am happy to make time for them to do so.