3.30 - 3.45: Practice this game. When you can get a score
3.30 - 3.45:
Use this game to practice finding letters on a keyboard. When you can get a score of 25 or more, you can play the second game.

The second game. Blast those rocks! Spacebar can protect you. Choose a beginner level 1 at first.

3.45 - 3.55: write a comment, with your name at the end.

Miss Rhonda's English class:
a e i o u r t l h g f d s c m
Miss Lucey's English class:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Mr. Kohll's English class:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Miss Lucey's English class:
Crazy Fredericka bought many very exquisite opal jewels
Miss Stannard's English class:
Six big juicy steaks sizzled in a pan as five workmen left the quarry.

When you've finished, you can play this game.

3.55 - 4.15: Play Fun Learning Games.

4.15 - 4.25: you can now play Fun Games!

Leave a Reply.

    Mr. Kohl

    This page is where the Key Stage 1 ICT Club work will take place. Every week, there will be a new entry showing work for children in the club to do, and work that they did. (NB - anybody can look at this page and join in, but you don't have to do the tasks unless you are in the ICT club).


    June 2011
    May 2011
    April 2011
    March 2011
    February 2011
    January 2011


    Ks1 Ict Club
    Word Documents